How to be Productive When You Feel Lazy: 9 Easy Fixes

be productive when you feel lazy:

Let’s be honest about it: We all have days where we feel incredibly unmotivated and lazy. Whether it’s due to lack of sleep, stress, or just a general sense of laziness, these days can be frustrating and unproductive.

Especially as we are still required by our employers to actually get some work in. And if you don’t really feel like it and can’t get started then the day can feel like an uphill struggle. 

But it doesn’t have to. There are ways to be productive when you feel lazy – and this guide will help you learn those ways. 

What Even is Laziness?

What does “feeling lazy” even mean? Are you tired? Sad? Something in between?

Laziness is defined as the state of being unwilling to exert energy or activity. It can manifest in many different ways – from procrastination to avoidance of responsibilities – and can be a major hindrance to achieving our goals.

It’s important to note that laziness isn’t necessarily a character trait – it’s a state of being that can be overcome with the right tools and mindset.

If you are feeling down you can easily feel lazy and unproductive. And that makes it much harder to break the lazy cycle that you find yourself in.

What Can Cause Laziness?

Laziness can be caused by a variety of factors, both internal and external. Some common internal causes of laziness include lack of motivation, fear of failure or success, and depression.

External factors that contribute to laziness can include a chaotic or unorganized environment, lack of direction or purpose in life, and negative influences from people in your life. Another common cause of laziness is burnout.

If you work from home – either full-time or in a hybrid way – then having a bad work-life balance can also cause you to feel lazy when working from home

Feeling Productive: The Opposite of Feeling Lazy

When you don’t feel lazy, you have the opposite feeling. A bursting energy runs through the body. Something similar to feeling motivated or productive.

Productivity is the act of efficiently completing tasks that contribute towards your goals or objectives. Being productive not only helps us achieve our desired outcomes but also gives us a sense of accomplishment and boosts our self-esteem.

When we’re productive, we feel more in control and capable of handling anything life throws our way. Unfortunately, when we’re feeling lazy or unmotivated, productivity seems like an impossible feat.

This means that projects may not get finished on time, which can result in missed deadlines and lost opportunities. In addition to missed deadlines and lost opportunities, being lazy can also lead to decreased quality in your work.

When you aren’t fully engaged in what you’re doing because you’re feeling lazy, mistakes are more likely to happen. This often results in feelings of guilt and shame.

These negative emotions further perpetuate the cycle of laziness by making it harder for people to engage with their work or take proactive steps toward improving their situation. 

A good start to the day can certainly help you feel less lazy and more productive
A good start to the day can certainly help you feel less lazy and more productive

So, How to be Productive When You Feel Lazy?

It’s a question we’ve all asked ourselves: “How can I be productive when I just don’t feel like doing anything?”

Feeling lazy doesn’t have to spell the end of productivity. It’s a challenge, yes, but one you can overcome with the right mindset and strategies.

This section will introduce you to a variety of physical, mental, and environmental tactics that can rekindle your motivation and enhance your productivity even when laziness strikes.

Whether it’s changing your surroundings, adjusting your mindset, or stimulating your body, there are numerous ways to transform your lethargy into proactive action.

Physical Tips to Get Productive When Feeling Lazy

Get Moving with Stretching and Exercise

When you’re feeling lazy, the last thing you may want to do is exercise. However, physical activity can be a great way to get your energy levels up and increase productivity. One way to ease into it is by doing some gentle stretches, such as neck rolls or shoulder shrugs.

After that, try going for a walk or run if you can. Even just a few minutes of movement can make a big difference in how you feel.

If you work from home, I recommend you set yourself some daily goals for getting more steps in. You can start off by going for 5000 steps a day and then going for 10.000 steps when you have a good rhythm. 

Wake Yourself Up with a Cold Shower

One of the most effective ways to snap out of laziness is by taking a cold shower. Not only will it help wake you up physically, but it can also boost your mental alertness and focus. If the thought of jumping into icy water doesn’t appeal to you, try starting with warm water and gradually lowering the temperature.

Or at the very least start the day off with a shower at any given temperature. 

Fuel Yourself with Coffee or Tea

Sometimes all it takes is a little caffeine boost to get motivated. Drinking coffee or tea can give you an energy jolt that will help push through your laziness. However, be careful not to overdo it – too much caffeine can make you jittery and anxious.

My personal favorite is eating an apple (along with my breakfast). Apples tend to make you feel more energized and you do not take any risks as you do with coffee and caffeine.* Rather, it is a healthy snack.


If you are asking yourself how to be productive when you feel lazy, then try and get out there and be more active
If you are asking yourself how to be productive when you feel lazy, then try and get out there and be more active

Mental Tips to Get More Productive When You Feel Lazy

Set Goals and Priorities

One reason why we may feel lazy is because we don’t have clear goals or priorities in mind. Take some time to think about what tasks are most important for you to accomplish today or this week. Write them down if necessary so that they’re more concrete in your mind.

This will also give you fulfillment at the end of the day. Knowing that you have accomplished important things during the day will certainly make you more happy when you call it a day. 

Break Tasks into Smaller Pieces

Another way to overcome laziness is by breaking down tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces. This makes them less daunting and easier to tackle one step at a time.

For example, if you need to clean your room, try breaking it down into smaller tasks like making the bed or putting away clothes.

But if you have work to do, again, break the work down into smaller pieces and it will feel much easier to overcome. If you are writing about something, choose the headline. Then subheadings. Then scribble down notes for each section. And then, at last, write the whole thing. 

That is much more manageable than starting from scratch. 

Avoid Distractions

Distractions can be a major obstacle to productivity. Try to minimize distractions as much as possible by turning off notifications on your phone or computer, closing unnecessary tabs, and finding a quiet workspace.

If you work from home, distractions are plenty. Like if you have a TV in your home office and you have a hard time turning it off, you might need to place it in another room. 

Whatever you can do to eliminate potential distractions, do it. 

Tips for Making Your Sorroundings More in Tune With Being Productive

Create a Comfortable Workspace

Having a comfortable and inviting workspace can make a big difference in how motivated you feel. Make sure your desk and chair are ergonomically designed, and add some plants or personal touches that make you happy.

If you work from home you really need to fix yourself up with a nice home office. Whenever you enter the doors of your workspace your mind is set for work. Not fun and procrastination, but work. 

If you want to create your own home office here is all you need to do so. 

Listen to Music or Ambient Sounds

If you feel lazy or constantly get disturbed by annoying background noise you need to find a way to keep it out. 

Listening to music or ambient sounds can help create an environment that’s conducive to productivity. Try different types of music to see what works best for you – some people prefer classical music, while others find electronic beats more motivating.

Whatever lets you focus on your work and make you feel less lazy is a great choice. 

Surround Yourself with Productive People

Surround yourself with friends or colleagues who are also motivated and productive. Their energy and enthusiasm can be contagious, inspiring you to get things done too!

Whether it’s working together on a project or simply sharing tips and advice, having supportive people around can make all the difference. 

Remember, everyone feels less productive some times. Laziness creeps in on all of us. But ask those around you how they tackle laziness, and you can, too, defeat that feeling. 

Shutting out the rest of the world with music is a good way to be productive when you feel lazy
Shutting out the rest of the world with music is a good way to be productive when you feel lazy

Additional Strategies to Overcome Laziness and Boost Productivity

Get Enough Sleep: Ensure you’re getting enough sleep every night. Lack of sleep can make you feel sluggish and unmotivated. Establish a regular sleep schedule and stick to it, even on weekends, to help improve your overall energy and productivity levels.

Meditate: Regular meditation can help clear your mind, reduce stress, and increase focus, all of which can help combat feelings of laziness. Start with just a few minutes each day and gradually increase your time. You could also practice praying

Healthy Eating: What you eat has a significant impact on your energy levels. Consuming too much sugar can lead to energy crashes, which can promote feelings of laziness. Try to incorporate more fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains into your diet. Bad eating can also lead to weight gain

Hydrate: Dehydration can often be a hidden cause of fatigue and lethargy. Be sure to drink enough water throughout the day.

Positive Visualization: Imagine completing the tasks at hand and how good you’ll feel once you’ve finished them. Visualizing success can often motivate you to get started.

Implement a Reward System: Give yourself a small reward each time you complete a task, especially a difficult one. This could be a short break, a treat, or anything else that feels like a reward to you.

Learn to Delegate: If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the amount of work you need to do, consider whether some of it can be delegated to someone else. Freeing up some of your time can make the remainder of your tasks feel less daunting.

Change of Scenery: Sometimes, a new environment can help reignite your motivation. Try working in a different place, like a coffee shop, a library, or even a park if the weather’s nice.

Use Productivity Apps: There are various apps designed to help manage tasks, set reminders, or maintain focus. Examples include Todoist, Asana, and the Pomodoro timer apps.

Remember, everyone has different methods that work best for them, so feel free to experiment with these suggestions and see which are most effective for you.

Conclusion: You Have the Power to Overcome the Feeling of Laziness

We all have those days where it feels like we’re trudging through mud, right? It’s nothing to be ashamed of. But remember, being lazy doesn’t have to be the endgame for you. There is plenty you can do as explained in this guide.  

  • First, we focused on what makes us feel lazy and why it’s key to recognize it.
  • We then rolled out an assortment of go-to tips like stretching and exercise, embracing the wake-up call of a cold shower, and judicious use of caffeine to jumpstart your energy.
  • For the mind, we touched on goal setting, breaking tasks into bite-sized chunks, and the power of positive self-talk to keep you on track.
  • Plus, we discussed creating an inviting workspace, using tunes or ambient noise to stay focused, and the benefits of surrounding ourselves with productive people. 

I also shared some other tips like getting enough sleep, eating right, staying hydrated, mediation, picturing your success, treating yourself for a job well done, knowing when to delegate, shaking up your scenery, and leveraging productivity apps to keep you on point.

If you use these habits they won’t just help you put away the laziness, they’re a stepping stone to healthier habits that add up and sustain your productivity over the long haul.

So remember, tackling laziness is more than a quick fix, it’s about creating a lifestyle that supercharges your efficiency

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My name is Frederik
I am a passionate marketeer who loves the freedom that comes with working from home whenever I choose to do so.
I love getting nerdy with every single detail about making everything related to my home just a tiny bit better.
That is what motivates me to write about home stuff on this blog.